Set in 1988, the film follows a gay PE teacher, Jean (Rosy McEwen, The Alienist) living at a time when Thatcher’s government passes a new law that stigmatizes the LGBTQ+ community. When a new student arrives and threatens to expose her, Jean is pushed to extreme lengths to keep her job and her integrity.

The law, known as Section 28, banned — among other things — teachers from promoting in schools “the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship.” In effect, it prevented teachers and those working for local authorities from even acknowledging the existence of homosexuality creating a lasting and silencing culture of homophobia in schools. 

The film, which is in post-production, also stars Kerrie Hayes (Tin Star), and Stacy Abalogun (Death on the Nile), with Hélène Sifre of Kleio Films producing. The film has the backing of BBC Film and the BFI.

Watch the trailer here
Blue Jean      
Writer + Director: Georgia Oakley
Cinematographer: Victor Seguin
Production: Kleio Films Limited


World Premiere: Venice Film Festival (Giornate degli Autori) 2022

Audience Winner: Giornate degli Autori – Venice Film Festival 2022
BIFA 2022 Winner: Best Debut Screenwriter, Best Lead Performance, Best Supporting Actress

Bafta 2023: Nominated for Outstanding Debut